2003 JRC The Alaska Club Governors Cup 5K and Kids half and 1-mile runs! Women's 5k Results 1: F. Breea, Mearig, Juneau AK 00:19:57, 2: F. Jody, White, Juneau AK 00:20:04, 3: F. Phoebe, Rohrbacher, Juneau AK 00:20:36, 4: F. Emilie, Ferry, Juneau AK 00:20:50, 5: F. Suzanne, Sauerteig, Juneau AK 00:20:54, 6: F. Megan, Bush, Juneau AK 00:21:37, 7: F. Dawn, Walsh, Juneau AK 00:21:58, 7: F. Deborah, Rudis, Juneau AK 00:21:58, 9: F. Janeann, Twelker, Juneau AK 00:22:06, 10: F. Anna Rose, Tomaro, Juneau AK 00:22:31, 11: F. K.K., Prussian, Juneau AK 00:22:46, 12: F. Isabel, Bush, Juneau AK 00:24:38, 13: F. Nancy, Thomas, Juneau AK 00:24:57, 14: F. Julie, Coris, Juneau AK 00:25:24, 15: F. Andrea, Florendo, Douglas AK 00:25:25, 16: F. Jill, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:25:51, 17: F. Sara, Poor, Juneau AK 00:26:39, 18: F. Laurie, Berg, Juneau AK 00:26:43, 19: F. Cameron, Young, Douglas AK 00:27:08, 20: F. Jan, Beauchamp, Juneau AK 00:27:56, 21: F. Joanne, Klein, Juneau AK 00:28:15, 22: F. Kimberly, Metcalfe, Juneau AK 00:29:10, 23: F. Edna, Abbot, Juneau AK 00:29:24, 24: F. Kelly, McCormick, Juneau AK 00:29:27, 24: F. Molly, McCormick, Juneau AK 00:29:27, 26: F. Diane, DeSloover, Juneau AK 00:29:36, 27: F. Meghan, DeSloover, Juneau AK 00:29:37, 28: F. Kelli, Belardi, Juneau AK 00:30:00, 29: F. Jan, Rutherdale, Juneau AK 00:30:18, 30: F. Claire, Richardson, Juneau AK 00:30:39, 31: F. Natalie, Bradford, Juneau AK 00:33:46, 32: F. Judi, Hayden, Juneau AK 00:35:01, 33: F. Twyla, Alexander, Juneau AK 00:35:02, 34: F. Rebecca, Mass, Juneau AK 00:35:26, 35: F. Anna, Beck, Juneau AK 00:35:56, 36: F. Lorraine, Stickel, Juneau AK 00:40:01, Men's 5k Results 1: M. Shawn, Miller, Juneau AK 00:15:44, 2: M. Dave, Pusich, Juneau AK 00:16:43, 3: M. Bryce, Iverson, Juneau AK 00:16:59, 4: M. Gabe, Hayden, Auke Bay AK 00:17:02, 5: M. Guy, Thibodeau, Juneau AK 00:17:45, 6: M. Rick, Thibodeau, Juneau AK 00:18:20, 7: M. Brian, Goettler, Juneau AK 00:19:02, 8: M. Jim, Douglas, Juneau AK 00:19:05, 9: M. Kyle, Hebert, Juneau AK 00:19:21, 10: M. Brandy, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:19:39, 10: M. Jerry, Buckley, Juneau AK 00:19:39, 12: M. Andy, Grossman, Juneau AK 00:19:42, 13: M. Nicholas, Foster, Durango CO 00:19:47, 14: M. Eric, Gullufson, Juneau AK 00:19:51, 15: M. Philip, Dierking, Juneau AK 00:19:53, 15: M. Peter, Jepsen, Juneau AK 00:19:53, 17: M. Zane, Clark, Juneau AK 00:19:57, 18: M. Jim, Ustasiewski, Douglas AK 00:20:01, 19: M. John, Caouette, Juneau AK 00:20:06, 20: M. Dylan, Ashe, Juneau AK 00:20:44, 21: M. John, Kern, Juneau AK 00:21:34, 22: M. Gary, Hayden, Juneau AK 00:21:43, 23: M. Don, Beard, Juneau AK 00:21:46, 24: M. Eric, Carver, Juneau AK 00:21:54, 25: M. Kurt, Hopewell, Juneau AK 00:22:00, 26: M. Bill, Crompton, Juneau AK 00:22:15, 27: M. Ky, Clark, Juneau AK 00:22:34, 28: M. Jason, Hort, Juneau AK 00:22:35, 29: M. Charlie, Ford, Juneau AK 00:22:36, 30: M. Paul, Gullufsen, Juneau AK 00:22:55, 31: M. Steff, Thomas, Juneau AK 00:23:04, 32: M. Kim, Titus, Juneau AK 00:23:20, 33: M. Carlos, Cadiente, Juneau AK 00:23:36, 34: M. Cameron Hal, Clark, Juneau AK 00:24:13, 35: M. Flash, Norberg, Juneau AK 00:24:25, 36: M. Jim, Grammel, Juneau AK 00:24:36, 37: M. Danny, Tomaro, Juneau AK 00:25:00, 38: M. Paul, Desloover, Juneau AK 00:25:01, 39: M. Ben, Schlechter, Juneau AK 00:25:16, 40: M. Erik, Schlechter, Juneau AK 00:25:20, 41: M. Zack, Travis, Juneau AK 00:25:55, 42: M. Matthew, Gill, Juneau AK 00:26:34, 43: M. Aiden, Sabety-Mass, Juneau AK 00:29:23, 44: M. P.W., Anderson, Juneau AK 00:29:25, 45: M. Chris, Carte, Juneau AK 00:33:47, 46: M. Paul, Beck, Unknown XX 00:34:05, Global 5k Results 1: M. Shawn, Miller, Juneau AK 00:15:44, 2: M. Dave, Pusich, Juneau AK 00:16:43, 3: M. Bryce, Iverson, Juneau AK 00:16:59, 4: M. Gabe, Hayden, Auke Bay AK 00:17:02, 5: M. Guy, Thibodeau, Juneau AK 00:17:45, 6: M. Rick, Thibodeau, Juneau AK 00:18:20, 7: M. Brian, Goettler, Juneau AK 00:19:02, 8: M. Jim, Douglas, Juneau AK 00:19:05, 9: M. Kyle, Hebert, Juneau AK 00:19:21, 10: M. Brandy, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:19:39, 10: M. Jerry, Buckley, Juneau AK 00:19:39, 12: M. Andy, Grossman, Juneau AK 00:19:42, 13: M. Nicholas, Foster, Durango CO 00:19:47, 14: M. Eric, Gullufson, Juneau AK 00:19:51, 15: M. Philip, Dierking, Juneau AK 00:19:53, 15: M. Peter, Jepsen, Juneau AK 00:19:53, 17: M. Zane, Clark, Juneau AK 00:19:57, 17: F. Breea, Mearig, Juneau AK 00:19:57, 19: M. Jim, Ustasiewski, Douglas AK 00:20:01, 20: F. Jody, White, Juneau AK 00:20:04, 21: M. John, Caouette, Juneau AK 00:20:06, 22: F. Phoebe, Rohrbacher, Juneau AK 00:20:36, 23: M. Dylan, Ashe, Juneau AK 00:20:44, 24: F. Emilie, Ferry, Juneau AK 00:20:50, 25: F. Suzanne, Sauerteig, Juneau AK 00:20:54, 26: M. John, Kern, Juneau AK 00:21:34, 27: F. Megan, Bush, Juneau AK 00:21:37, 28: M. Gary, Hayden, Juneau AK 00:21:43, 29: M. Don, Beard, Juneau AK 00:21:46, 30: M. Eric, Carver, Juneau AK 00:21:54, 31: F. Dawn, Walsh, Juneau AK 00:21:58, 31: F. Deborah, Rudis, Juneau AK 00:21:58, 33: M. Kurt, Hopewell, Juneau AK 00:22:00, 34: F. Janeann, Twelker, Juneau AK 00:22:06, 35: M. Bill, Crompton, Juneau AK 00:22:15, 36: F. Anna Rose, Tomaro, Juneau AK 00:22:31, 37: M. Ky, Clark, Juneau AK 00:22:34, 38: M. Jason, Hort, Juneau AK 00:22:35, 39: M. Charlie, Ford, Juneau AK 00:22:36, 40: F. K.K., Prussian, Juneau AK 00:22:46, 41: M. Paul, Gullufsen, Juneau AK 00:22:55, 42: M. Steff, Thomas, Juneau AK 00:23:04, 43: M. Kim, Titus, Juneau AK 00:23:20, 44: M. Carlos, Cadiente, Juneau AK 00:23:36, 45: M. Cameron Hal, Clark, Juneau AK 00:24:13, 46: M. Flash, Norberg, Juneau AK 00:24:25, 47: M. Jim, Grammel, Juneau AK 00:24:36, 48: F. Isabel, Bush, Juneau AK 00:24:38, 49: F. Nancy, Thomas, Juneau AK 00:24:57, 50: M. Danny, Tomaro, Juneau AK 00:25:00, 51: M. Paul, Desloover, Juneau AK 00:25:01, 52: M. Ben, Schlechter, Juneau AK 00:25:16, 53: M. Erik, Schlechter, Juneau AK 00:25:20, 54: F. Julie, Coris, Juneau AK 00:25:24, 55: F. Andrea, Florendo, Douglas AK 00:25:25, 56: F. Jill, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:25:51, 57: M. Zack, Travis, Juneau AK 00:25:55, 58: M. Matthew, Gill, Juneau AK 00:26:34, 59: F. Sara, Poor, Juneau AK 00:26:39, 60: F. Laurie, Berg, Juneau AK 00:26:43, 61: F. Cameron, Young, Douglas AK 00:27:08, 62: F. Jan, Beauchamp, Juneau AK 00:27:56, 63: F. Joanne, Klein, Juneau AK 00:28:15, 64: F. Kimberly, Metcalfe, Juneau AK 00:29:10, 65: M. Aiden, Sabety-Mass, Juneau AK 00:29:23, 66: F. Edna, Abbot, Juneau AK 00:29:24, 67: M. P.W., Anderson, Juneau AK 00:29:25, 68: F. Kelly, McCormick, Juneau AK 00:29:27, 68: F. Molly, McCormick, Juneau AK 00:29:27, 70: F. Diane, DeSloover, Juneau AK 00:29:36, 71: F. Meghan, DeSloover, Juneau AK 00:29:37, 72: F. Kelli, Belardi, Juneau AK 00:30:00, 73: F. Jan, Rutherdale, Juneau AK 00:30:18, 74: F. Claire, Richardson, Juneau AK 00:30:39, 75: F. Natalie, Bradford, Juneau AK 00:33:46, 76: M. Chris, Carte, Juneau AK 00:33:47, 77: M. Paul, Beck, Unknown XX 00:34:05, 78: F. Judi, Hayden, Juneau AK 00:35:01, 79: F. Twyla, Alexander, Juneau AK 00:35:02, 80: F. Rebecca, Mass, Juneau AK 00:35:26, 81: F. Anna, Beck, Juneau AK 00:35:56, 82: F. Lorraine, Stickel, Juneau AK 00:40:01, Women's 1 mile Results 1: F. Cassie, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:06:52, 2: F. Katie, Poor, Juneau AK 00:07:20, 3: F. Kiera Clark, Welling, Juneau AK 00:07:37, 4: F. Elsa, Robinson, Juneau AK 00:08:33, 5: F. Solana, Asne, Juneau AK 00:08:36, 6: F. Rielly, Walsh, Juneau AK 00:08:58, Men's 1 mile Results 1: M. Joshua, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:08:48, 2: M. Jack, Grummett, Juneau AK 00:11:01, 3: M. Connor, Brown, Juneau AK 00:19:55, Global 1 mile Results 1: F. Cassie, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:06:52, 2: F. Katie, Poor, Juneau AK 00:07:20, 3: F. Kiera Clark, Welling, Juneau AK 00:07:37, 4: F. Elsa, Robinson, Juneau AK 00:08:33, 5: F. Solana, Asne, Juneau AK 00:08:36, 6: M. Joshua, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:08:48, 7: F. Rielly, Walsh, Juneau AK 00:08:58, 8: M. Jack, Grummett, Juneau AK 00:11:01, 9: M. Connor, Brown, Juneau AK 00:19:55, Women's 1/2 mile Results 1: F. Lindsay, Clark, Juneau AK 00:03:20, 2: F. Wendy, Stears, Juneau AK 00:03:43, 3: F. Auri, Clark, Juneau AK 00:04:09, 4: F. Carissa, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:04:19, 5: F. Gabriella, Hebert, Juneau AK 00:04:37, 6: F. Leah, Liebelt, Douglas AK 00:04:44, 7: F. Maddy, Poor, Juneau AK 00:04:48, 8: F. Katherine, Kane, Juneau AK 00:05:02, 9: F. Michaela, Schlechter, Juneau AK 00:05:14, 10: F. Georgia, Robinson, Juneau AK 00:05:21, 11: F. Allison, Haight, Juneau AK 00:07:14, 12: F. Kate, Stears, Juneau AK 00:07:15, Men's 1/2 mile Results 1: M. Cort, Saviers, Juneau AK 00:03:03, 2: M. Erik, Schlechter, Juneau AK 00:03:04, 3: M. Cameron Hal, Clark, Juneau AK 00:03:08, 4: M. Miles, Bedford, Juneau AK 00:03:21, 5: M. Ryan, Liebelt, Juneau AK 00:04:27, 5: M. Zachary, Hebert, Juneau AK 00:04:27, 7: M. Nicholas, Heidersdorf, Juneau AK 00:04:29, 8: M. Nikolaos, Hebert, Juneau AK 00:15:52, 9: M. Mitchell, Henderson, Juneau AK 00:16:07, Global 1/2 mile Results 1: M. Cort, Saviers, Juneau AK 00:03:03, 2: M. Erik, Schlechter, Juneau AK 00:03:04, 3: M. Cameron Hal, Clark, Juneau AK 00:03:08, 4: F. Lindsay, Clark, Juneau AK 00:03:20, 5: M. Miles, Bedford, Juneau AK 00:03:21, 6: F. Wendy, Stears, Juneau AK 00:03:43, 7: F. Auri, Clark, Juneau AK 00:04:09, 8: F. Carissa, Anderson, Juneau AK 00:04:19, 9: M. Ryan, Liebelt, Juneau AK 00:04:27, 9: M. Zachary, Hebert, Juneau AK 00:04:27, 11: M. Nicholas, Heidersdorf, Juneau AK 00:04:29, 12: F. Gabriella, Hebert, Juneau AK 00:04:37, 13: F. Leah, Liebelt, Douglas AK 00:04:44, 14: F. Maddy, Poor, Juneau AK 00:04:48, 15: F. Katherine, Kane, Juneau AK 00:05:02, 16: F. Michaela, Schlechter, Juneau AK 00:05:14, 17: F. Georgia, Robinson, Juneau AK 00:05:21, 18: F. Allison, Haight, Juneau AK 00:07:14, 19: F. Kate, Stears, Juneau AK 00:07:15, 20: M. Nikolaos, Hebert, Juneau AK 00:15:52, 21: M. Mitchell, Henderson, Juneau AK 00:16:07,