JTRR Wild for Conservation 5K Acknowledgements

2016 Events Wild for Conservation 5K Thank you! Full Screen
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Event Name Location Description Race Director Date and Time Relay/Team Events? Empire Cup JTRR Event Registration Form
Wild for Conservation 5K Airport Dike TrailProceeds benefit the Southeast Alaska Land Trust. Registration begins at 8:00 AM. First 50 registrants get a free race pint glass! Amanda Pilley, info@setrust.net, 586-3100 For more information and to register, go to: www.southeastalaskalandtrust.org/upcoming-events/wildforconservation5k/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/WildForConservation5K/Amanda Pilley2016-06-11 09:00:00noyesnoRegistration form for Wild for Conservation 5K

JTRR and the participants and organizers of Wild for Conservation 5K would like to acknowledge and thank the following sponsors and volunteers for this event.

Thank you message
Amanda PilleyRace Director