JTRR Christopher McAndrew Runner Profile

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Running Profile of Christopher McAndrew
Name Christopher McAndrew
Runner Number 11993
Gender M
City Greater Sudbury
State ON
Country CA
Races Completed 1
Distance Raced 21.082km OR
lifetime spent running races 2 hours 1 minutes 49 seconds
avg running pace overall (minutes per mile) 9 minutes 17 seconds per mile
avg running pace 2023 9 minutes 17 seconds per mile
avg swimming pace
avg biking pace
Total Cup Points collected over all time 7
Schrödingers cat status Unknown

Past Race Results

Date Team Event Name Race Name Distance Time Pace Running Cup Points
2023-07-29 06:00:00 Juneau Marathon and Half Marathon half 13.10miles02:01:499 minutes 17 seconds per mileyes7

Past volunteer Results

Date Event Name Position/Message Empire Cup Points

Cup Points History

Year Age Group Points Score last calculated
202335-397-42 day(s) ago

Leave a message for Christopher on his public runner profile page
Christopher has moderation privileges for this page IF his facebook id is known